Hercules Game for PC

Hercules was the strongest man ever. This game is based on the character of the TV serial of the same name. The game is a sidescroller (mostly) and I like playing it very much. It has 10 levels, and so is not a very big game, but it is thoroughly enjoyable. If anybody knows the story of the game, I would be glad if you E-mail it to me.


These are the default controls :

F1 : Help
F2 : Options
F3 : Load Game

Arrow Keys : Directions
Z : Jump
X : Sword
C : Punch
D : Power Punch (hold down to charge)
S : Select weapon


To learn the special moves etc, and the function of special items, read the game manual. I am not going to repeat what is already given there. Do note that in the walkthrough I will refer to some moves etc. from the manual. So if you don't have it, get it from a friend or someone else.

These are some of the abbreviations that I use in this walkthrough :
DHAG : Disney's Hercules Action Game
PP : Power Punch
MAGS : Mid-Air Ground Slam
GotG : Gifts of the Gods
HB : Herculade Bottles
HAF : Hercules Action Figure
HV : Hercules Vase
MPV : Mystery password vase
HLM : Hermes Level Marker
HS : Hermes Sandals
DD : Damsel Dummies
DE : Dummy Enemies

Click the following link to download